Opening a door is a simple task to most but even if you don't quite get it you will after reading this tutorial on how to open a door . if you don't know how to read please use this other website and come back.

Doors can be hard to open like a door with a door knob. The circumstances may place you at odds with the mighty door. Do not get violent. remember doors are friendly and harmless unless provoked so always respect your doors.
Doors are to first be identified if the door has no knob then it may be a wall. If a door has no knob it may be a sliding door in which case in will automatically open or will have to be pushed from the side. There should be a place to grip around halfway up the door near the side.When opening a manual sliding door make sure to get a firm grip with your hands and to use your fingers always slide in the opposite direction from the longer part of the door.

If the door has a knob you must then categories that knobs under one of these two types
- Turning- the handle looks similar to example A and can be turned
- Pushing or pulling - the handle looks similar to example B and can be pushed or pulled
If a door knob doesn't match either of these please read ahead and test the methods of opening other than in the examples.
For turning doors there should be a knob on both sides either will allow you to open the door so pay the side your on no mind. Turn the knob of the door clockwise and pull towards yourself if that doesn't work turn it clockwise again and push if neither of those work then turn it counterclockwise and true the other techniques again.

For pushing doors there should be no knob it could only be handlebars or metal push plates. When opening the door if there are push pads, please try to push the door and if there are handlebars grip them firmly and pull tourdes yourself if that doesn't work try to push the handles away from yourself.

If the door doesnt work or is lacking a knob then check if the door has these problems
- Check if the door has a lock if it does it may be locked.If you have determined a chance of the door being locked please continue to here
- Check if the door is real if there aren't any spaces for the door to swing or and hinges it may be a fake door
- If these aren't the problems the door may be barricaded or have been built to only open from one side think on the past if you have recently woken up in a strange place you weren't before or you were kidnapped if so please counsel another guide for helpful tips.

If the door is locked the lock could be on the knob or in the door. To get in you require a key if you don't have the key it isn't impossible to go inside just illegal if it isn't your property. To properly use a key please insert the key thin flat side up after you insert the key internally rotate the key clockwise if you hear a click it should have worked. After the click please rotate the key counterclockwise to the position it was in upon initial insertion and pull the key out of the key hole.If the key didn't work please try to rotate counterclockwise after insertion instead of clockwise and follow the instructions after that point. If the key doesn't fit of move you may have the wrong key please retry with another key if you don't have the proper key for the lock please contact a locksmith about the problem.
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